Solutions By Organization
Whether you're a dental or vision payer looking for a competitive advantage, operational efficiency and superior provider and member experience, a provider seeking an end to end paperless technology solution that lets you focus on patients or a state Medicaid agency focused on providing better access and quality of care to the underserved while conserving taxpayer dollars, SKYGEN has decades of experience partnering with organizations like yours.
Benefits Administration
To coordinate claims processing, eligibility verification and everything in between
SaaS Benefits Automation Platform
To propel specialty benefits forward with software platform / technology
Analytics & Risk Management
To help lower costs and protect patients
Marketplace Connectivity
To streamline the connection between members, providers and payers
What type of solution are you looking for?
SKYGEN provides outsourced benefits administration, a modern SaaS benefits automation platform, solutions for improved provider and member experiences and insights through big data and analytics.
SKYGEN's TPA to SaaS Solutions
SKYGEN’s technology is also the leading SaaS benefits automation platform for commercial and government payers across dental and vision lines of business. Our system automates payer benefit administration, supports ongoing regulatory requirements, and aligns with industry standards. And we can help payers efficiently meet today’s growth goals, while better positioning you for the future.
Solutions by Market

- Transform your dental and vision benefit plan administration with technology-enabled solutions
- Build your specialty business with the flexibility of a fully integrated modern benefits administration platform

- Reduce costs with efficient administration and technology solutions built from the ground up for Medicaid
- Improve access to high quality healthcare across medical, dental, and vision

Medicare Advantage
- Create market leading plans with flexible dental and vision benefits
- Increase satisfaction for seniors, providers and brokers
Solutions by Line of Business

- Achieve lower administrative and benefit costs, and better manage risk
- Improve provider satisfaction and member access to high-quality, appropriate dental care

- Deliver complete vision program management — including enrollment, claims processing, customer service and more
- Better engage stakeholders and positively impact the quality and accessibility of vision care
DEMO: Request a customized demo of our software solutions
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