Find the right balance between marketing, provider networks and financial considerations with SKYGEN. Aimed at optimizing overall dental or vision benefit spend, SKYGEN’s Benefit Plan Analysis examines market- and plan-specific impact of best-practice strategies which drive cost savings, greater provider satisfaction, and improved employer group experience. Using analytics, our team of experts can help you determine the services that should be included as part of standard benefit offerings, based on those already available within specific markets. We can also help identify where reimbursement schedules can potentially be consolidated or eliminated.

SKYGEN’s Benefit Plan Analysis examines:
- Benefit design and comparison
- Benefit design to meet desired outcomes
- Medical, vision and other integration
- Appropriate care rules, prerequisite rules, and more
- Types of authorizations, denial rates and trends
By providing in-depth insight into key variables, we can help payers like you avoid waste and find the balance needed to improve performance across multiple plan objectives.
Contact us today for a consultation